Travelex Business
Global re-branding

Develop a new subtle brand identity and set of guidelines for Travelex Business including a new logo, brand visual system, messaging, stationary and martketing collateral.
Travelex Business needed better brand awareness, espcially in the US. The biggest challange with this project was to get my head around the size of the company, their products and services and the many stakeholder involved in the brand refresh. Travelex Business as a one stop solution for all business finserv solutions, wasn't widley regonised.
I hosted a virtual global Creative Workshop, to explore their aspirations for the new branding and how the hierarchy of products and services would visually communicate a branded family. This included an analysis on their competitor’s branding, wider branding trends, photography, tone of voice, font relationships and colour. A brand ‘Playbook’ was developed as an output from the workshops to guide creative exploration.