Tudder - Tinder for Cows
A multi award winning PR/Social campaign to raise awareness for farmers to trade livestrock online

Hectare Agritech, is a fast-growing start-up focused on transforming the way farmers buy, sell and pay for their produce. They came to me with a few clear goals.
1. To raise awareness of the opportunities for farmers to trade livestock online by using data smartly.
2. To grow subscribers to their SellMyLivestock platform, which allows farmers to find and trade livestock, such as cattle and sheep.
3. To gauge the international appetite for online livestock trading in key markets including the US, Europe and Australia.
Farmers are essentially small businesses, they’re often family-oriented and they’re frequently under a lot of pressure. Hectare’s priority is that farming can and should be a profitable business, and that online livestock trading is one way to work more efficiently.
Farmers like a laugh, as long as it’s not at their own expense. So I knew, if pitched it right, a funny and good-natured campaign would go down well. On the face of it, agritech doesn't seem like the sexiest industry, so reaching a wider audience would involve creating something that grabs everyones attention. Using 14 February as a kick off point, I decided to create a dating app for cattle. Working with the Hectare develeopment team, I created an app called Tudder, or ‘Tinder for cows.
I wanted to put livestock love on the media agenda. To do that, I worked with the marketing team to launch an extensive and ambitious media strategy including tailored Valentine’s cards mailed to key journalists in advance, as well as targeted, e multi-faceted social media programme, featuring a provocative video trailer.
Rare for B2B campaigns, Tudder also caught the attention of pop-culture news, particularly in the US, where it featured on both James Corden’s The Late Late Show, Late Night with Seth Meyers and Conan.
1,037 global print media mentions, 30+ global broadcast segments, 1.3bn print media reach, 5,600 social media mentions , 157m Twitter reach and 385m impressions, 18,000+ downloads across Apple and Google app stores, Tudder ranked among top 10 business apps during launch week, 30% uplift in SellMyLivestock traffic during the coverage, 58% increase in new user registrations compared to previous six-month average.